MY 100 FAVOURITE BOOKS (to be updated from tie to time)

Banville, John, The Untouchable 

Ballard, J.G., The Atrocity Exhibition 

Barthes, Roland, A Lovers Discourse 

Baum, L. Frank, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 

Benjamin, Walter, Camera Lucida 

Binet, Laurent, Hhhh 

Borges, Jorge Luis, Labyrinths 

Breton, Andre, Nadja 

Brodsky, Joseph, Watermark 

Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy 

Calvino, Italo, If On a Winter’s Night A Traveller 

Camus, Albert, The Outsider 

Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass 

Carver, Raymond, Cathedral Catullus, The Complete Poems 

Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote 

Chandler, Raymond, The Long Goodbye

Clark, T.J., The Sight of Death 

Cocteau, Jean, Les Enfants Terribles 

Colette, Cheri 

Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness 

Dante, Alighieri, The Divine Comedy 

Dick, Philip K., Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 

Dickens, Charles, Great Expectations 

Diderot, Denis and d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, Encyclopedia 

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, The Idiot 

Duras, Marguerite, The Lover 

Dyer, Geoff, Out of Sheer Rage 

Ellroy, James, American Tabloid 

Faulkner, William, As I Lay Dying 

Ferrante, Elena, My Brilliant Friend 

Fitzgerald, Penelope, The Blue Flower 

Fitzgerald, F., Scott, The Great Gatsby 

Forster, E. M., A Room with a View 

Garner, Alan, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen 

Gibson, William, Neuromancer 

Greene, Graham, The End of the Affair 

Halsey, Alan, The Text of Shelley’s Death 

Hawking, Stephen, A Brief History of Time 

Hearn, Lian, Across the Nightingale Floor 

Highsmith, Patricia, The Talented Mr. Ripley 

Holmes, Richard, Footsteps 

Homer, The Odyssey 

Ishiguro, Kazuo, The Remains of the Day 

James, Henry, The Wings of the Dove 

Joyce, James, Ulysses 

Kadare, Ismail, The Palace of Dreams 

Kafka, Franz, The Trial 

Knausgaard, Karl Ove, My Struggle 

Konigsburg, E. L., From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler 

Kristof, Agota, The Notebook

Le Carré, John, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 

Lem, Stanislaw, Solaris 

Levi, Primo, The Periodic Table 

Lively, Penelope, Moon Tiger 

Mann, Thomas, Death in Venice 

Marani, Diego, New Finnish Grammar 

Marias, Javier, The Infatuations 

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, Love in the Time of Cholera 

Maxwell, William, Time Will Darken It 

Michaels, Anne, Fugitive Pieces 

Miller, Madeleine, The Song of Achilles 

Morris, Jan, Venice 

Nabokov, Vladimir, Speak Memory 

Nabokov, Vladimir, Pale Fire 

Ondaatje, Michael, The English Patient 

Orwell, George, Down and Out in Paris and London 

Patchett, Ann, Bel Canto 

Perec, George, W or the Memory of Childhood 

Pessoa, Fernando, The Book of Disquiet 

Pliny the Younger, Letters 

Polo, Marco, The Travels 

Proust, Marcel, In Search of Lost Time 

Pullman, Philip, Northern Lights 

Tanizaki, Junichero, In Praise of Shadows 

Tartt, Donna, The Secret History 

Tsypkin, Leonid, Summer in Baden Baden 

Saki, Short Stories 

Sagan, Francoise, Bonjour Tristesse 

Salinger, J. D., The Catcher in the Rye 

Salter, James, Light Years 

Schama, Simon, Landscape and Memory 

Sebald, W. G., Austerlitz 

Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein 

Shonagon, Sei, The Pillow Book 

(Anonymous) , The Thousand and One Nights 

Thubron, Colin, In Siberia 

Twain, Mark, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 

Verne, Jules, Journey to the Centre of the Earth 

Walser, Robert, Microscripts 

Wells, H.G., The Island of Dr Moreau 

Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass 

Wilde, Oscar, The Happy Prince and Other Stories 

Williams, John, Stoner